All accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Proceedings and Full-Paper Conference Proceedings with ISBN number as PDF (Free of charge) after plagiarism check and double blind peer review.
Authors want to publish on following journals should wait for an e-mail after conference by organization committee.
Only one paper(according to quality of study) might be selected and forwarded to the journals by the scientific board for double blind review process.
- International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (IJEEP): is indexed by SCOPUS, REPEC, DOAJ. Selected Papers will take place ongoing Issues. The selected papers will undergo double blind peer review process.
- Asia-Pacific Journal Business Administrator (APJBA): is indexed by SCOPUS, ESCI, INSPEC. Selected Papers will take ongoing Issues. The selected papers will undergo double blind peer review process.
- International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues(IJEFI): is indexed by REPEC, DOAJ. Selected Papers will take place ongoing Issues. The selected papers will undergo double blind peer review process
- Journal of Research in Economics Politics and Finance (EPFJournal); Papers presented in XI. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF XI) will be considered for publication in EPFJournal, which is indexed in ULAKBIM TR Dizin. The authors willing to publish their work in EPFJournal must submit revised version of their papers to after the XII. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF XII) according to Organizing Committee’s Final decision. Note that EPFJournal do not guarantee that your paper will be published but will provide an expedited refereeing process.
- Central Bank Review: Papers presented in XII. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF XII) will be considered for publication in Central Bank Review, which is indexed in Scopus, ESCI, EconLit, RePEc, EBSCOhost, ProQuest and ULAKBIM TR Dizin. The authors willing to publish their work in Central Bank Review must submit revised version of their papers to after the X. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF X). Note that Central Bank Review do not guarantee that your paper will be published but will provide an expedited refereeing process.
- Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy (JOEEP): is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Dizin. Selected Papers will take place ongoing Issues.
- Journal of Tax Report: is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Dizin. Selected Papers will take place ongoing Issues.
De Gruyter Open Economics is indexed by EBSCO, Google Scholar, DOAJ. The Journal will published special issue with five papers from ICOAEF XII Conference. The selected papers will enter double blind peer review process.
Journal of Management and Economics Research (Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi – YEAD): is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Dizin, EBSCO. Selected Papers will take place on ongoing issues.
ANEMON Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University: is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Dizin, EBSCO. Selected Papers will take place on ongoing issues.
- Turkish Journal of Marketing (TUJOM): is indexed by ProQuest, Crossref. Selected Papers will take place on ongoing issues.
- Düzce University Journal of Social Sciences (DUSBED): is indexed by ProQuest, Crossref. Selected Papers will take place on ongoing issues.
- The Journal of Applied Microeconometrics: is indexed by Google Scholar, Citefactor, ESJI, DRJI, BASE. Selected Papers will take place on ongoing issues.
Journal of Empirical Economics and Social Sciences (JEESS); Selected papers will be published on ongoing issues. Paper Review procedure will be handled by Organization Committee. JEESS is directly supported and managed by ICOAEF & ICEESS Conferences.
- Balkan Journal of Social Sciences (BJSS); Selected papers will be published on ongoing Issues.
- Papers on Social Sciences ; Selected papers will be published on ongoing Issues.
BİLTÜRK Journal of Economics and Related Studies ; Selected papers will be published on ongoing Issues
European University of Lefke Journal of Social Sciences (EULJSS); Selected papers will be published on ongoing Issues.
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Social Sciences Research Journal; Selected papers will be published.
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Applications; is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Dizin, EBSCO Selected papers will be published.
Among the papers which presented at ICOAEF XI and selected by the scientific committee, will be awarded in various categories. The Conference Advisory Committee will assign the conference award committee with 5 academicians. The nominated papers will be evaluated by double-blind system. The evaluation criteria consists of the relevance of paper with the scope of the congress, scientific contribution and innovations to their field and the superiority in writing and presentation.
Best Paper Awards:
- ICOAEF XI The Best Researcher Award
- ICOAEF XI The Best Young Researcher Award
- ICOAEF XI Best Oral Presentation Award(1st,2nd,3rd)
- ICOAEF XI Best Research Award(1st,2nd,3rd)
“The Best Paper Awards” will be given for each discipline included in the Conference.”